Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech

Mr. Myers visited our class yesterday and read the story A Fine, Fine School to us.  It is a story about a principal who wants to have school on weekends and during the summer.  It was fun to have Mr. Myers visit our classroom and we are glad that he wants to keep the school schedule just like it is.  But he did make it clear that he thinks we have a fine, fine school with fine, fine students.  We told him we think he is a fine, fine principal!  Thanks for visiting our classroom, Mr. Myers.

Written by Mrs. Kaufman


  1. I loved the book and would want to read it again! LM

  2. I liked Mr. Myers coming into our classroom to read us the book. He was really nice to us. EA

  3. I would recommend this book because it is funny and it has good pictures. Mr. Myers read his name in the book. GP
