Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Class Dojo

We are now starting Class Dojo.  It is something that we do for doing better for our reactions, so Mrs.Kaufman has the class iPad with it on. She watches us while we are a class together, and if she sees us do something right she ads a point to our Class Dojo avatar.  If she sees us do something wrong she takes one away. The class DOJO is a good way to be better students.

when you lose too many points you go in to the negatives.    
Written By: Teammates L.P.H, Z.D.P, HB, GM

Friday, April 26, 2013

Reading Poetry with Partners

Estimating Area

Here is an activity we did to figure out how to estimate area.  We love it when we can color and learn at the same time!!!


In team 184 we go tour new Journey books and we are reading about magnets.  We learned about how magnets stick to things.  We took magnets around the room to see what they might stick to.  Today in team 184 we learned about how does electricmagnetes stick to things. 


In team 184 we are doing poems.
Here are some I did.
                                    Kids learing because they 
                            want to learn about things they
                    haven't. Kids jumping up and down to 
                 get their hypernness out of them.
          They like  to do fun things but they need
    to earn it to do it.Kids need to be nice to play
 and earn to have a free time with their friends.
We think we think we learn we learn. 

                          By Teamate K.H          


On Monday ALL third grades are doing ISTEP .
It will be great to do it again.
Are you ready for I ?
If you are, make sure you are happy about it. 
We are going to have a EPIC time doing ISTEP.
We may not want to do it but we have to do it to show what we know!

Yellow Packet to Practice Editing

On Team 184 we got a yellow packet and if 5 people finsh they get to eat lunch in room 184 with Mrs.Kaufman. I bet it was a lot of hard work to finsh the packet. And  you can do it for choice or bell work. A lot of people is trying to get it finsh to eat lunch with Mrs.Kaufman.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reading response
reading response or (RR) for short is new again. This time we are doing science for our first rotation.Everybody is doing it together with partners.When Mrs.Kaufman says "get with your partners we go.


              Haiku's part two

carpet is so soft
I will enjoy the carpet
untill I get hurt  

Monday, April 22, 2013


                Team 184's Haikus

spring has slowly come
flowers peak through the brown soil
sunshine fills the air

remember forget
people make mistakes all day
no one is perfect

fast, fun, hard, score, tackle
sprint, hike, touchdown, agresive
touchdoun, run, play, good

sunday helmet dirt
running hitting stealing
umpire calls strike out

mom plants a garden
mom likes to order flowers
mom enjoys herself

Delicious meaty
yummy yummy in my tummy
always eating them

Written by teamate H.R.


Thursday, April 18, 2013


It is cold outside somethings get mold do you want to go outside?
Sure you do grab your snowpants and get out,when you get out you'll say'' I want to go back inside'' Well ok go inside then get some hot cholate . 
By A.B and G.P.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

More Inference Riddles

Our class has been working on inferring and these are some of the poems we made with team 184.
                    I am the school mascot
                     peeping real high
                      I am pretty cute
                      and trying to fly
                      what am I ?

                      We live in the sewers
                       we fight crime
                        we love the taste of pizza
                         and we are cold
                         blooded animals

                        I am a pet
                        my name is rover
                         scratch me and
                         I drool all over the 

                                      You can drink me and
                    and its chocolate I
                     might be. What am i?

                     I cry alot 
I'm small and
                     you have to change
                      my diaper.
                       what am I?

Free Rice

Last week Team 184 played Free Rice for our PAT time.  We got to do math, vocabulary, and world flags.  Each time we got one right, we would get ten grains of rice to give another kid that doesn't have food.  Each time we got 1,000 grains of rice, we would add it on the chalkboard and we got 4,000 grains of rice!

                       It was a lot of fun!
By Teammates GP and KH

Geometry Art

Our class worked on a three step geometry art project.  

First we traced shapes with cutouts.

Then we colored them with markers.

After that we sprayed water on the picture and the water made the markers bleed.

Then we waited for it to dry.  

Finally we traced the parts that bled with sharpies.

Written by Teammates by EA and LPH

Airplane Inquiry

Team 184 made airplanes for science

We got to fly them in the class.  Mrs.Kaufman helped us measure where our airplanes landed. 

We changed one thing on the airplane to see if it would go further.  We were learning about variables. 

We also went outside and we got into a big group and we threw them up in the air. Then we got spread out and threw them up in the air.

It was a lot of fun. When we walked back in the class some kids said that was a BLAST.

Written by Teammate KH and Mrs. Kaufman