Thursday, September 27, 2012

Poetry from the HW Pack (by GP)

I lay in the sun
looking at the clouds
down the block
on the grassy round hill
around the sandy trail
I had contacted my friend
We had to leave
We picked up speed
I woke up in bed
and raised my head
and I figured out
It was a sweet, 
sweet dream
by GP

Poems from the HW Pack (by TR)

Today I will dream
about a sweet tea treat.
The sweet tea treat
was juicy and scrumptious
So she got tired 
and laid down.  

Written by TR

Poetry from the HW Pack (by EA)

Today I had a dream.
It made me scream.
I was afraid of a treat I got.
Customers were at my store.
They bought tea with bait
and threw it on the floor.
So, I contacted the police for
help with the mess.
They arrived from around the back 
in a dress
So, I said, "Is this real?" as I walked up to them.
Then they said, "You're punked," with a sweet grin.

Written by EA

Poetry from the HW Pack (by HR)

I lay in bed with my sweet cup
of tea, 
knowing I'm going to have a sweet 
dream today.
I'm afraid that there is a real piece
of fish bait next to me,
if there was, I would 
speed out of bed
open the screen door
and run to my mom
who has my favorite treat
I would run to my favorite trail
and read a book
Then I will leave and get back in my bed.

Written by HR

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Proper Noun? Common Noun?

 This week we are exploring the meanings of proper nouns and common nouns.  For this activity, Miss King told Team 184 a common noun and everyone wrote down that kind of proper nouns on their desks.  Here we are writing names of stores.


 Today all the third graders at Ox Bow Elementary received their own dictionaries from the Lion's Club. The people from the Lion's club said that they are there to serve.  We are grateful for these useful and delightful gifts!  Thank you, Lion's Club!  

Poem and Bucket Filling

This morning during our opening, we reviewed what it means to be a Bucket Filler.  This poem was on the welcome message and we brainstormed ways to fill others' buckets.  Miss King also showed the teammates the venn diagram comparing foam and bubbles to stone.  We are striving to be phenomenal bucket fillers every day. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Place Value Math Stations

Different Kinds of Sentences

 For PAT time last week we looked for different kinds of sentences, cut them out, and glued them to a small poster.  We worked together to figure out what kind of sentences we were finding and to make sure we put them in the right quadrant.  We are trying to use all kinds of sentences in our writing.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I See, I Hear, I Feel

I See, I Hear, I Feel

I smell the
fresh grass
and the flowers

I feel the soft
grass and the
breeze in my

I hear a train
and the birds

I see the
baby blue sky
I see the trees
in the woods
I see a
shiny silver fence

I hear the
squirrels calling their
I feel the hard
concrete from
from my legs

I hear the
leaves rustling
in the breeze

I feel the poky
wood chips on my
feet sometimes

I hear the swings
I hear the kids playing
I hear the crunching
of the wood chips
when I walk

Friday, September 14, 2012

Outside Writing

 Team 184 has been working on descriptive writing.  Yesterday we went outside and paid attention to what we heard, saw, felt, and smelled.  We also thought about stories from our lives that happened outside.

Focus Wall Lesson 3

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Different Kinds of Sentences

Did you know there are different kinds of sentences? 

There are different kinds of sentences.

Miss King says, 
"Use different kinds of sentences in your writing."

We say, "We'll try!" 

Reading Rotations!

Team 184 has been working on learning how to do reading rotations during reading workshop.  The rotations include:
  • Reading with a Partner
  • Listening to Stories (on computer, iPod shuffles, iPad, iPod touch, tape players, CD players, LeapPads)
  • Word Work
  • Reading Response
It is a bit complicated, but the team is getting it all figured out.  Next week we will start meeting with small groups during rotations. 

Numbers All Around!

This I Believe

Every Monday morning we gather for a class meeting.  Each class at Ox Bow does the same.  During this time we participate in activities that build our classroom community.  We get to know each other better and learn how to be a quality citizen.  This will also be a time we can talk about problems we are having and how to work against bullying.  

Yesterday we talked about what we believe.
  • We listened to Miss King's podcast from the local "This I Believe"  
  • We read a book titled What I Believe by Jennifer Murphy-Morrical
  • Mrs. Kaufman read a list of what she believes
  • We listened to Tarak's list of what he believes.  Tarak is 6 years old and made a list of 100 things he believes for 100 day when he was in kindergarten.  We listened to thirty of his beliefs.
  • We shared some of our beliefs with our partners.
  • Then we wrote some of our beliefs on the blacktop with chalk.

By articulating our beliefs and learning about others' beliefs, we strengthened our sense of self, built up our classroom community, and learned about different opinions.  

Here's is Miss King reading her essay:

And here is Tarak with Thirty Things I Believe:

Stay tuned for Team 184's list...

Written by Mrs. Kaufman

Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To

This week in math we are comparing numbers.  
Which number is bigger?  
Which number is smaller?  
How can you tell?  
We have been playing games and creating PowerPoint Presentations to understand this concept better. You can help your child by asking about numbers in environment when you are in the car or running errands.

Written by Mrs. Kaufman

Friday, September 7, 2012

Looking for Different Forms of the Same Number

Yesterday every teammate received the standard form of a number on a piece of paper. They had to go around the room and look for the same number in word form, expanded form, and model form. It was like a scavenger hunt!  

Once everyone found every form, all the different forms were glued onto one paper and hung on the wall.  In math we are learning how to write the same number in different forms.  

It was an adventure to look around and hunt for our numbers.

Colorful Cursive Names

 For our PAT time today we made ripply rainbows out of our names written in cursive.  After we drew all the colorful lines, we painted over the lines with water color paint.  The paint didn't stick to the crayons because wax repels water!  We worked together and enjoyed how each teammate made their creation in a unique way. 

Written by Mrs. Kaufman

Onsets and Word Families

Look at all these onsets!  Onsets are letters or clusters of letters that are at the beginning of a word.  Team 184 glued these onsets into their word notebook.  Now when they are looking for words in the same word family during word rotation, they will not miss any words! 

Written by Mrs. Kaufman

Place Value

We have been playing some place value games to help us understand that each digit in a number has a specific value.  Here we are trying to become the number that Miss King says out loud.  There was a lot of scrambling and thinking and rearranging going on!  We liked being the number.

Written by Mrs. Kaufman